Friday, June 5, 2015

Divorce Differences Around The World

There are numerous differences in divorce law across the world. Divorce in some countries requires more red tape than in others. In some nations, cultural conservatism inhibits divorce even when there are laws on the books allowing it. Below are a few of the major variances.

Rates of divorce

Not surprisingly, the frequency of divorce varies considerably from one country to the next. Divorce rates are generally highest in the West, with Belgium having the world’s highest divorce rate at 70 percent (with several other European countries hovering over 60 percent). Meanwhile, in the U.S., approximately 53 percent of marriages end in divorce. Japan, Sri Lanka, Chile and India have the world’s lowest rates of divorce. In some countries, such as the Philippines, divorce is actually legally prohibited. In Ireland, divorce is legal but greatly restricted. Irish couples can only end their marriage if they have already been separated for considerable time.

Who files?

In the United States, women initiate more than 70 percent of all divorces. However, this is not the case across the globe. In France, over 60 percent of all divorces are brought by both parties. Meanwhile, in some Middle Eastern countries, divorce is more often initiated by the husband; this is helped by laws that allow men to initiate no-fault divorces while requiring women to prove specific grounds for ending the marriage.

Other idiosyncrasies

Legal separation can be required before a divorce is granted, while in certain countries, such as Canada, separation doesn’t exist as a legal concept. There are also different domestic laws governing whether and in what circumstances citizens can get divorced while out of the country.

For more information on a divorce lawyer in Irvine, visit this website.

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